Dear Artist,
We over here at DreamTrax Records have viewed your myspace page and see a lot of potential in you as an artist of interest to possibly manage or provide you with a recording contract with us or possibly with our associates, Interscope Records, Fire Records, Verity
Records to name a few. As you may know or may not know in the music industry it is currently the first quarter period which all major labels are currently seeking new clients to represent their companies and sign by May 25th. My job as an Artist Recruit is to seek out new unsigned talent and present them to the presidents of my company and our associates. That's why your demo submission is very vital for our annual board meetings. We do have sign on bonuses available and we do provide our clients with marketing and
promotions and have national and international
distribution available as well. You are currently 1 out of 16 artist we are interested in and 12 will have the chance to sign with DreamTrax Records or one of our associates. PLEASE leave us a plain, working email address. At this point is very important that you provide us with a working email address where a demo submission form will be sent for you to fill out completely and send in by January 15, 2008. Or you can email us at: and request a Demo Submission Form. On the date we receive your demo submission it will be viewed and critiqued by our A&R representatives.
We see a bright future in you and would love to help further you music career and accomplish your dreams and goals
Dear Music Company,
I seriously doubt that you viewed my profile and listened to our songs. I also doubt that you are prepared to give me a record deal. The reason that I say that is because if you had listened to our songs you would know that our hit song is about a guy named Will who poops in his best friend Dave's shoe. As revenge Dave rapes Will in his sleep but Will then informs Dave that he has aids. Later, Dave tells Will that he cuts Will's aids infected penis off after raping him and used the cut off penis as a "strap-on" to rape Will's mother and sister with. Will confesses to fornicating Dave's grandmother to death and Dave confesses to cutting up Will's aids infected penis in a pan with eggs and bacon and feeding it to him. Will tells Dave that he knew he was eating his own penis the whole time, and that it tastes surprisingly great. Will and Dave laugh and become friends again. So this is why I thought it was weird at first that you would be interested in The Country Fuks as a new and upcoming artist for you to give a record contract, but then I remembered how mother fucking awesome we are. So thank you for you're letter! But no thanks, it is obvious that you are just another spam sending piece of shit company wasting it's time on myspace that doesn't even listen to the music in the first place.
Will Carsola

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